The day before…


… you bury your little son.

Today the children and I spent the entire morning going between the funeral home to finalize the stone purchase, the cemetery to talk about moving the boys to a new location and paying the fee, and the mall in search for the perfect resting box, and back to the funeral home to deliver the box and items for Mark.

Friends and family have been so kind with their prayers, flowers, and meals. I cannot thank everyone enough for all of the support. I have felt much strength this time around in dealing with the days after the delivery and the preparations to say goodbye. You know, I was really okay in the hospital. I had already accepted the thought that God may need this baby in heaven and it was all in His perfect plan. I accepted this perfect small child into my hands, but there was no hurt, our son was already in the arms of His Maker and in the embrace of His mother’s arms. Together with our other son, Luke, they are together smiling down at us for saying yes to another baby.

I received a small beautifully knitted wrap for Mark Alexander to be placed in. We took it to the funeral home today along with the wooden box we bought and his brother’s scapular. We will pick up the Mark tomorrow on our way to the cemetery.

Mark will be buried with his brother Luke who was born into heaven December 2005. The boys will be moved to a new burial place near a walkway with a tree not too far away. The black granite stone we purchased yesterday will match Luke’s stone and will be up next to his with his name and date. Luke’s stone was a gift from his grandparents with a beautiful laser picture of an angel with a lamb looking down. Below Luke’s name and date it reads, “A gift from Heaven.” We couldn’t imagine adding much more as this is perfect for how we feel.

All I can hear in my head is a beautiful song from Donna Cori Gibson that brings much love to our Lord.

” I believe, I adore, and I trust, and I love thee, and I beg of you Lord, Pardon and Mercy for those of us who don’t believe adore or trust, or give you the love you are yearning for, I love you Lord.”

A dear friend yesterday told me we were raising two families, one here and one in heaven. What a lovely way to look at it. I know our boys are watching over us and praying for us in the presence of so many who have gone before us.

15 thoughts on “The day before…

  1. Emily, my heart breaks with yours. Thank you for being saying YES to God. I appreciate your example. And your dear friend is so right………two families….what a beautiful thought. Hugs from Northern California.

  2. Prayers from a stranger…may our Lady wrap you in her mantle. May you and your family find comfort in the prayers of your two little saints…

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