What do you do….

… when you have to say goodbye and you’re 8???

Where do you go when you drive away from the gym where you watched daddy unload the trunk?

What do you say to the children when they ask if daddy is going to be safe?

Today was very hurried. It didn’t start out that way. Today (in my ” homeschool schedule”) was to be week 4 day 1, but with orders for DH to go, today and yesterday were spent together playing, coloring, and going here and there together. A few “last minute” things to take care of before the 24 hr call comes in… well, Dh got the 30 minute call…. then we were rushed…. the dc were encouraged to go draw daddy pictures…. so Daddy can gather his things…. everyone in the car and off to the gym.. he was late, not because of him, but b/c of the forgotten notification call.. oh well….off he goes. The only thing I wish was that it hadn’t been so rushed.. the children didn’t even get to get out of the car.. he had to go from our car to the government car to get to the plane on time.
Opie was pretty sad.. as we drove away, I heard that sound like he was struggling to get his breath. Poor guy… the problem is, he is so with it and smart, that he “knows” where dad is going and the danger.
I tried to lighten the car up by pulling into the commissary and letting all of the kids choose a box of cereal and their choice of fruit.
As we left the post, I pulled into the cemetery where our babies are all buried. We all got out of the car to go see Karoline’s new stone in the ground with her brothers, Luke and Mark.
We headed home and came in quietly. The evening went well, everyone was fine, and yes, they asked me if daddy would be safe…
We prayed for his protection along with all of the other soldier’s serving.

St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen..

11 thoughts on “What do you do….

  1. Oh Em, I have tears in my eyes. I am so sorry it was so rushed, it is hard enough as it is. Praying for you and the children and for your dh’s safety. love to all!

  2. Yes, pray unceasingly! Thank you!

    Charlotte, thank you so much. we knew it was any day, but not 30 minutes.

    Paula and Jennifer, thank you so much!

    Jess, perhaps the rush was for the best. I can only imagine how Opie would have been if I had to take him from dad’s arms.

    God always is in charge of “Our” plans!

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