
Lent is about Conversion. Lent helps us draw closer to Christ while turning away from our own sin. In Lent, this involves giving up things that perhaps may keep us from Christ. We hear our children say, “I’ve given up chocolate or candy.” On their own, they are finding something they enjoy that they can offer up and almost unite with Christ’s suffering while they suffer through skipping a sweet treat. We discuss this suffering Christ endured during Lent and see as the end of Lent approaches, they don’t desire the treat or thing they gave up as much. When they have a focus, it becomes easier to give up something they love. For adults, it can become deeper. We can give up something that we love turning our trust over to God. For some, we can add to our 40 days of Lent by adding in something new: A new prayer book, more devotion time, time for daily Mass. As our 40 Days of Lent are now over and we are in the Triddium, we may focus on Christ’s Passion and Death and look forward to the Ressurection.


Moonbeam here donated 12 inches to Wigs for Kids. She’s awesome!

A little doll


This sweet little girl is such a joy. She brings everyone to a happy place. Max is so taken by her. He smiles at her every morning. All of the big sisters dote on her. She started enjoying cereal and really plumped up! She looks so much like a real baby doll.

Two families in need of prayers

Laetare Sunday is the Church’s reminder of Joy yet to come.

I haven’t written for so long. I have posts I could write and pictures to share in my mind, and yet I seem to never get on the computer. Today, however, on this Laetare Sunday, I am writing to share two families in need of your prayers; two sisters, two babies.
Many of you know we are dear close friends with Father Kevin. Father Kevin is one of 11 children. He has eight sisters. Two of his sisters, Regina and Christina, both delivered unexpectedly a few weeks early this past Thursday. Both babies sharing the same delivery date were born still. Regina delivered emergency c-section after placental abruption. Her baby boy was 36 weeks along. Christina’s baby, a little girl, was 38 weeks.
I know firsthand how both of these mothers will be grieving inside. It’s a pain you can’t describe. It’s a comfort found only in God’s Mercy. It’s a pain that swells inside of you the minute someone asks how you are doing.
I know both of these strong ladies. I know their faith is what will carry them through this pain. I know God’s Mercy will bring them comfort and healing. I know in time both Regina and Christina, their husband(s) and children will find healing as well. For today, though, there is great pain.

For me at the time, Joy was yet to come. I was able to find joy again from the smiling faces in my children around me. Joy came from my husband’s hand. Joy came through the Mass. Joy came knowing our baby Matthew, who had gone before us, was rejoicing in Heaven.

For Regina and Christina, I can’t speak for them, however, I know Joy will come again. For now, they need your prayers. As Liz, another sister who too, has gone through this suffering posted here.

A Sacrament for Rosebud

We celebrated a sweet baptism for our little Rosebud yesterday. She was baptized in a historic Catholic Church built in 1792.
Her Godparents couldn’t join us, so Moonbeam’s Godparents ( John’s Brother Jared and SIL Denise) stood in as Proxy.
As Rosebud had the annointing on her chest, her siblings and a few cousins peered over the pew.
Rosebud held it together has the chilly water fell over her head. Just like her biggest brother, she too found comfort keeping her little pacifier while the water poured.

I love the sweet smell of the Chrism on a new baby
Rosebud wore the same beautiful gown as two of her big sisters, Moonbeam and Bluebelle. She is so sweet and teeny tiny. She is still observing her surrounding and sounds and making some of the cutest serious faces.
We made simple cupcakes with homemade buttercream icing topped off with little roses and made shell candies to pass out to all of the guests outside of the church. Little Rosebud was given some sweet little mementos for her big day, but the best of all, A pure white soul!

New addition for a New School Year

We welcome little Zelie Therese on October 16th. She was 8lbs 6ozs and 19 3/4 inches. She certainly made a place in the family with her robust cries. Max seems to be mesmerized with her presence and signs baby when she cries and greets her every day with a kiss. He likes to see that she has toes just like him, she has ears, just like him, and his favorite, she has a nose, just like him!

Opie and Max here at our back to school picture time. Opie desperately needs a new blog name. I am thinking of changing it now that he’s a Freshman in Highschool. He has continued to thrive with the Maryland Conservatory of Music and has worked diligently on Beethoven, Bach, and Chopin all summer. He has also decided to join the Ice Hockey team and has been practicing his skills weekly. Max is adorable and I love to see him communicate with us. He signs about 40 words and is in love with the ABCs and Numbers! At any given moment, he busts out singing his version of the ABCs and chanting two, nine, zero, two…etc…
MM entered the third grade this year. She’s been enjoying soccer and just can’t wait for each Saturday game to come along. She is a ball of energy every day!
Bluebelle entered the fifth grade and has been enjoying all of her subjects. She is the first one awake and half the time tells me she’s half way finished with school before I’ve even had coffee.

Moonbeam is now in the 7th grade. She worked with the Home School group over the summer taking several parts in the Romeo and Juliet play they filmed. We look forward to the viewing of the movie in the Winter once it is edited. She also decided one day to climb up a tree 7 feet and then fall down… sort of like Pooh Bear, hitting every branch on her way down and breaking her collarbone. She has been healing for weeks now and is ready for a thumbs up from her Doctor next week.
Cookie, who also needs a new blog name, is now a Senior! She’s added many new things to her school year. She has taken on her first job and is saving money towards college. We’ve been very proud of her ambition to not spend any of it. She is also dual enrolled with the local community college picking up a few credits towards college while completing her High School credits.

To add to the fun, some of the kids went to the pumpkin patch yesterday. Our house is full of pumpkins.



Drawing for Birthday gift today.

Update: And the Winner of the birthday gift in Mathew’s honor is…photo 1
Karen! Email me and let me know if you’re looking for pink or blue!
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AND… Just Because… when I posted this today, I realized this was my 617th post! Quite significant to us. God has gently reminded us over the years with this number. our anniversary! This past 6/17 was our 19th year married! I had been telling myself, I’d like to give something away whenever I hit my 617th post, so, the additional winner for this drawing is….
Sarah Mason!! Congratulations on your new bundle due in January. Email me and let me know when you find out if you’re looking for pink or blue!

Thank you to each one of you for celebrating Matthew’s short life here with us.
To email me type in emilysnowATmeDOTcom and change the caps to symbols.
Your comments to be included in Matthew’s birthday giveaway needs to be submitted before noon, CST. I’ll be posting the winner sometime later today. I realized I forgot to include the date for the drawing after the fact. So today marks one week of saying goodbye to Matthew. We will draw a name later today and let you know. The winner can let me know if they are wanting a pink or blue gift! Thanks for your comments!
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5 Years Ago

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I cannot believe 5 years have passed. Matthew is such a part of our family. Every year with anticipation we look forward to celebrating his birthdate and his feast day. Today is his feast day. Sunday was his birthday. He shares a birthday with his cousin who just celebrated his 10th birthday. What a special treat. In the shadow box behind his cake, you can see his hand impression, a few locks of his dark hair, and his cross given to us from the Trappist Monks in memory of his casket. Below you’ll see his dark almost curly hair. Matthew lived here for three full awake days before passing on into God’s arms. Our oldest posted two facebook posts that were very touching. If you haven’t read them, take a tissue. Matthew’s life was a gift. I’ve never forgotten how huge I became carrying him around as he began to struggle with the amniotic fluid cycle. I also have never forgotten how often he got the hiccups. He constantly kicked around just like the little girl wiggling inside me now does.DSC_0035
I still recall the day that John’s brother and family visited us before we entered the Fisher house. Jared chuckled at his constant and rhythmic hiccups. Being a military family, we lived too far for most of our friends and family to see us. Matthew was mostly shared through pictures. Matthew Karol Snow 057I wish all of you could have felt him and held him. He was just as snuggly as every baby we’ve held. Thank you all who remembered with us these three special days and who let us know you were thinking of us. That means a lot, more than you’ll know. Matthew will always be loved and missed. Time does heal, but time can’t take away the memories and love. This was the hardest thing we’ve ever gone through. Snow09-2508BW
We’ve learned too that most people just don’t know what to say. It’s OK to say his name to us. It’s OK to bring his name up to us. It’s not going to hurt us if you’ve remembered him. To help remember Matthew, again, I’d like to give away a birthday gift. Last year I gave away a Catholic mom’s planner. This year, I’d like to give away a personalized burp cloth. Leave me a message and let me know you’d like to be entered and if you’d like it to be for a boy or a girl! God Bless, Emily
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A Pregnant Mom’s Giveaway!

It’s not too late! You can enter this great pregnant mom’s giveaway! I was excited to see all of the sponsors for this giveaway! We love the Regina Doman Books, especially Angel in the Waters and I loved doing the bible study on The Domestic Church by Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle. There are so many goodies in this giveaway! Click in this link to have your chance at the drawing!

Celebrating the Sacraments!



We joined our dear friends back in Nashville for three Sacraments. MM received her First Reconciliation and her First Holy Communion with her friends and Opie received his long awaited Confirmation. Being a military family and moving so frequently, we encounter different ages/grades for Sacraments. Joining back up with his class from last year was such a treat for him! While we were there, John’s parents joined us as well as Opie’s Godmother!





John and I celebrated our Sacrament of Marriage this past week. We were married 19 years ago! Looking back at this photo, we look so very young and yet, I still see us as this same happy couple. Thank you to all who send well wishes and as well as the Mass you offered, Fr Kevin, for us! Now on for another 19 years!

Feel like a princess for a day!

And why not when you look like a princess in a beautiful ballgown! Cookie had her Junior/Senior Prom this month and with that, came a few necessary extras and some fun extras!
There were dress requirements for all of the girls which included straps and coverage. We found a Bridal shop that did outside alterations. Although I “can” sew somethings, I felt like a Prom dress was a one shot item and didn’t want to risk failure. Much to both of our dissappointment, we left the Bridal shop when they called saying alterations for added straps and coverage was complete. She cried. It was horrible. At that point, my confidence was boosted and I promptly came home and ripped out all of the Alterations. They added 2 inches of additional fabric all across the front and then thick straps over the shoulders. I unstitched everything and added four layers of lace across the front and then thin straps. We decided after several try-on sessions, to go with criss-cross straps. Although they didn’t hold the dress up like I had wanted, we were still happy with our choice.
And when you have a big plush green yard to twirl around in, why not!

It was a Masquarade Prom so of course a mask was needed! I failed to crop this picture before uploading it, so you’ll notice sisters all out with us in the yard. They were all so excited for her!
Cookie chose Sparkly Silver converse-style shoes to give her that added confidence in the evening making sure to always have great balance all night!

With a recent short haircut, I helped her style her hair and pinning it up with a cute little Sparkly comb. Her sister, Bluebelle, gave her the cute earring for the Prom and her sister, Moonbeam, shared her favorite LOTR necklace with her. I really think if the sisters could have gone with her they would have! They missed her every moment!


While we were in Nashville ( another post worthy!) Cookie and her Nana had a fun time in the Opry Mall and found all new fancy shmancy new Prom Make-up along with this cute mask! I think this mask rode safely in the car all 12 hours home without a scratch!

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She had such a great time and is already thinking of Prom for her Senior year!

A lot of changes here

Well, we have moved since I was last on here. I spent many many weeks packing and unpacking and here we are. We’ve settled into a little cottage built in the 30’s backed up on the water. We see eagles and deer on a regular basis!
Along with the move came another little gift from heaven right in the midst of the winter snow and boxes! We are due October 22! I’ve gone back on the progesterone injections and the blood thinner as I did with Nicholas a year ago.
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Bluebelle has donated her hair again to Locks of Love this Lent and is very happy to share her hair with others for a wig.
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Max is almost walking! He is going to be ONE on May 4th! He is such a joy and makes everyone happy!
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Cookie is finishing up an SAT prep class getting ready for the real deal in June. In the meantime, she’s really looking forward to the Junior/Senior prom! Following that I think she’s looking into taking Driver’s Ed!
Pictures will follow later in a separate post!
Opie is finishing up perfecting Beethoven’s Rage over a Lost Penny and one of Chopin’s Nocturns for a performance coming up. He is also looking forward to his Confirmation he’s been preparing for! We had to go out and buy a new suit!

MM is getting ready to receive her First Holy Communion in May! She has enjoyed studying her Catechism with me and reading King of the Golden City. To go with that she painted a little hut and decorated it with roses to prepare for the coming of the King.

Moonbeam has been steadily getting better and better at not only drawing horses, but also riding them! Here she is at a trot on a vaulting saddle!
Bluebelle also was learning with the vaulting saddle!
I wish you all a blessed and Happy Easter!

A cold Sunday in ordinary time

It’s been bitterly cold in Maryland. We’ve all stayed bundled up much of the time while we get days of snow and cold. It snowed a bit yesterday, just enough to re-coat the ground with a sparkling blanket of white.
Here is M&M after Mass exploring the way the snow crunches in the shade.
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Every day after a bit of snow, we see the birds have been busy outside! Cutest thing to imagine them hopping around in the cold.
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Max is also exploring… this time it is his daddy’s rosary as we head back to the car after Mass. When he woke up from a cat nap in Mass, he was handed the rosary and gripped it tight, not to let it go… and he really never did until we pried his fingers open!
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Have a great week and stay warm!

Merry Christmas 2013

We started our Christmas baking by using our St Nicholas cookie cutter I found from the St Nicholas Center. This was a great addition for Bluebelle who got the Baker’s Dozen book. I thought she did a great job decorating St Nick!
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We made the royal icing recipe that came along with the cookie cutter. The girls enjoyed decorating so much, I think we ended up making over 4 dozen sugar cookies.

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Our little guy here had mastered sitting. Here he is waiting to leave for Christmas Eve Mass wearing his cute little Christmas plaid shirt and corduroy pants sitting all by himself! We bought some floor pads to help make being on the hardwood floor a little more comfortable while he still tumbles over time and again. We just slide it under the couch when he’s not on the ground.
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from the dining room, John caught sight of a cutie pie with her Santa hat just itching for Christmas Eve to be over. She could barely contain herself while she was reading a book!

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A few days before Christmas, Bluebelle was helping out with Max before riding lessons. Max will sit and read a book with anyone who will read to him.

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Max is the first baby who has not cried at this age with Santa. He was just as jolly as Santa was!

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Here is a cute picture from my phone that totally makes me think he’s a brown eyed baby!
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Here is our Christmas table right before we sat down. I love the twinkling of all the lights.

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the boys and mom after Mass.

I am so very blessed to have John home this Christmas!

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Merry Christmas from our family to yours!